It’s Carnival In Venice

Call Number: ITADOCI3
Alternate Title: Carnevale di Venezia
Year: 2009
Director: MANCUSO Productions
Duration: 30 mins
Language(s): Italian
Subtitle Language(s): English
The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival held in Venice, Italy. The carnival ends on Shrove Tuesday (Martedì Grasso or Mardi Gras), which is the day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. The festival is world-famous for its elaborate masks. The documentary captures the poetry of the carnival mask painted on the faces of those who fill all the squares, canals and small avenues of Venice, generating a gigantic and fantastic improvisation, which lasts ten apparently unending days. There is a continuous crisscrossing of masks, of sounds, of pigeons, and of bell chimes, while the gondolas silently trim the frame of the spectacle, until the final explosion called ”the laguna’s magic night.”