Journey of Hope

The movie tells of a family that leaves its secure life in a hill village of Turkey, and travels by rail, ship, car, truck, and finally on foot toward the mirage of a new life in Switzerland. Life in Turkey seems fairly idyllic for the family. Their small home nestles next to olive trees on a beautiful hillside, and they have a secure place in the daily life of their village. But the greater world beckons. They study a postcard from a relative, which shows snow-capped mountains and promises a paradise in Switzerland. And eventually the father, restless and ambitious, determines that they must sell everything they own to buy passage to the north.
We follow the details of the journey, every step of which is designed to part the travelers from their money – not only through tickets and bribes, but also through currency exchange scams and simple con games. Some of the most memorable moments show the travelers waiting through long nights in cold, empty train stations – strangers in a strange land. Eventually the family and others find themselves in Italy, on the slopes of the Alps, being advised to walk across in weather so dangerous the guide refuses to take them. The conclusion of the movie is easily guessed. The only surprise is that the Swiss are portrayed as being generally humane to their uninvited visitors.