Masterpieces of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film
This graduate seminar explores masterpieces of contemporary Spanish fiction and film, while asking: Why have certain works entered the cultural canon? What innovations defined them, and what reactions do they elicit today? Novels on the MA Reading List include San Manuel Bueno, mártir by Miguel de Unamuno, Nada by Carmen Laforet and Réquiem por un campesino español by Ramón Sender. These works and additional films (two from the Reading List) will be situated in their historical, sociocultural and critical contexts. The goal of the course is to read and view intensively, concentrating on selected works in depth. Each student will build his or her critical skills while preparing for the Contemporary Peninsular portion of the MA Comprehensive Exam. This section meets with an Honors undergraduate section, and graduate students will engage with the pedagogy of teaching literature and film.