Survey of Medieval and Golden Age literature
SPAN 301-010: Survey of Medieval and Golden Age literature (Credits: 3)
Cristina Guardiola-Griffiths, Ruth Toole
This course studies the development of Spanish literature from its origins through the 17th century; it is a study of representative works, discussions and collateral readings.
From the epic poem of the Cid to the riotous adventures of Don Quijote, from the sorceress Celestina to the seductions of Don Juan, from the picaresque novel Lazarillo de Tormes to the philosophical drama La vida es sueño, this course will explore the literature and culture of Spain from the Middle Ages through the Golden Age. Students will gain exposure to classic authors in various genres of Spanish literature, honing critical skills while exploring the evolution and development of Spain’s literary genius.
Honor section available.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 201, Fulfills Arts & Sciences ‘Group B’ requirement