China Kaleidoscope Video Series

A video magazine of issues in contemporary Chinese society and culture. China Kaleidoscope consists of reports from some of China’s best news and information programs. Collected, edited, and translated by Nai Han Company. Inc., U.S.A., these reports bring together some scattered glimpses into Chinese lives to form a complex and multifaceted view of a society in the process of rapid change.
Topics include the phenomenal rise of the Chinese stock market; the treatment and care of senior citizens; “pop” culture in China’s cities; changes that minority populations have effected in China’s northwest: a report on the increasing number of female police officers; a look at the arts and crafts of several different areas in China; and many others. This series will be of value to anyone interested in contemporary Chinese language, arts, social issues, economic reforms or related areas. Narrated in Chinese. with English subtitles. Each segment is 50 minutes in length.