Imposter – Royal Shakespeare Company

Call Number: Digital Video
Alternate Title: Tartuffe
Year: 1984
Director: Royal Shakespeare Company
Duration: 112 mins
Language(s): English, French
Subtitle Language(s): None
Clutching ever-present rosary beads, shifting uncomfortably within the hairshirt he wears for continual penance — and always eyeing the women as they pass — Tartuffe, Moliere’s master of unctuous evil, insinuates himself into a wealthy Parisian household and turns it into wickedly funny pandemonium.
Posing as a holy man, the wily Tartuffe has entranced Orgon, a credulous, well-to-do merchant heaven-bent on bestowing his worldly goods, social position and nubile daughter on the perfidious fraud. Depraved dalliance with Orgon’s young wife, Elmire adds insult to the injury.