Tora-san’s Grand Scheme

Call Number: JAPFFDVDT6
Alternate Title:Shin otoko wa tsurai yo
Year: 1970
Director: Shun'ichi Kobayashi
Duration: 93 mins
Language(s): Japanese
Subtitle Language(s): Chinese, English
The fourth installment of the Tora-san series. Tora-san offers a free trip to Hawaii to his uncle and wife who took a care of him and his sister after his father’s death. But not when they arrive at the airport do they learn that the travel agent has run away with their money. Ashamed and fearing that they will be laughing stock for their neighbors, they decided to creep into their house after dark. But a petty thief trespasses their house, thinking that they has left for Hawaii. Though they catch the thief in the end, their secret plan is finally revealed!