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The Mafia

The Mafia began in Italy in the late 1800s. This course will examine the history of this organization, as well as its depiction in Italian literature, non-fiction accounts, and film. Read More

Love, Death, and Gender in Chinese Films

This course introduces students to the treatment of recurring themes in Chinese films such as those related to various forms of love, death, and gender roles. Specifically, the course examines Read More

Love and Trauma: Contemporary Novels by Chinese Women Writers

Through readings in feminist theories, psychology, philosophy, and religion, this course helps students explore, by means of a close textual analysis of the novels written by Chinese women writers, the Read More

The Culture of the Scientific Revolution in Italy

The “Scientific Revolution” of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was a cumulative process that fundamentally transformed the understanding of nature, man, and the cosmos. The early modern period saw dramatic Read More

Reading the Roman City

Using literary, inscriptional, archaeological and artistic evidence, this class examines the ancient Roman city of the Imperial period, focusing on the topography of Rome itself and civic centers such as Read More

Japanese Literature in Translation

This course acquaints students with the major genres of Japanese literature through a focus on the short story. We will read travel literature from the Meiji period, as well as Read More