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Advanced Russian Grammar and Composition

What do you want to know about Russian grammar but are afraid to ask? Come fill in the gaps!  Continue to develop the expression of your own opinions in clear, Read More

Selected Authors, Works, Themes: Woman Writers

Author Tatyana Tolstaya asks, “Woman, exactly what are you?” The poetry and prose of Russian women writers attempt to answer her very difficult question. Their works reveal the many overlapping Read More

Introduction to Russian Literature I

Explore some of the best Golden-Age Russian fiction, ranging from short stories by Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, and Chekhov to excerpts from great novels by Dostoevsky, Turgenev, and Tolstoy. Through close Read More

Seminar: The Moscow Literary Group “Sreda”

A powerhouse of young talent, the “Sreda” [Wednesday] circle met from 1899-1916 and included artists, musicians, and quite a few notable names in literature at the time, such as Ivan Read More

Introduction to Russian Literature II

In this course students develop their reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills in Russian by studying the impact of the 1917 revolution and its aftermath on Russian literature. After examining Read More

Dystopia in Russian and Soviet Fiction

The Russian writer Evgenij Zamyatin depicts a future “world of square roots of minus one” in his banned novel We, written as a response to the October Revolution and its Read More

Russian Civilization and Culture

Culture is a system of ideas expressed in linguistic, religious, literary, artistic, social, scientific, and technological forms, fleshed out by creative people. Some of these ideas are constants that persist Read More

Russian Reading and Composition: Short Fiction

Read entertaining and interesting 20th-century Russian short stories from a variety of genres (detective fiction, satire, tales of adventure, children’s literature) to improve your reading skills and expand your vocabulary. Read More

Russian Grammar Review

Continue your study of Russian at the 200 level, expanding on the knowledge and developing the skills acquired over previous semesters of study.  Students will practice listening, speaking, reading, and Read More