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The Shock of Futurism

  Documentary examines the least known and most extreme of all the 20th century AvantGardes, the Futurists, who developed many concepts and artistic principles.

An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance

  Michelangelo, Donatello, Botticelli, della Francesca and Giotto are just a few of the great masters that are showcased in “An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance Video.” Using a dramatization Read More

The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci

  Italian director-writer Renato Castellani has artistically recreated with masterful poetry, beauty and thorough documentation every transcendental detail in Da Vinci’s complex life and legend. Actor Philippe Leroy superbly lives Read More

FLORENCE: Cradle of the Renaissance

  Beginning in the early 15th century, Florence, Italy was the cradle of a rebirth in art, architecture and philosophy, known as The Renaissance. This special Art History and Travel Read More

The Circles of Light : The Divine Comedy

  The most celebrated work of Dante Alighieri is certainly the Divina Commedia— a vision of hell, purgatory, and heaven which providers a strangely surrealistic view of medieval attitudes on Read More

It’s Carnival In Venice

  The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival held in Venice, Italy. The carnival ends on Shrove Tuesday (Martedì Grasso or Mardi Gras), which is the day before the Read More


  Benito Mussolini created the political system know as fascism. He took advantage of public disillusionment after Word War I to become the supreme authority in Italy.  The unfortunate part Read More

Dante: Journey of Our Life

  A compelling introduction to the life and work of Dante Alighieri, this program features readings from The Divine Comedy and New Life. Written and narrated by Robert Hollander of Read More

Profile of A Writer: Alberto Moravia

  Moravia achieved fame in 1929, when, at age 22, he published Time of Indifference, the book considered by many to be the first existentialist novel. In this interview, Italy’s Read More

Goldoni’s “The Venetian twins”

  In this physical/​situation comedy the stock character types of the servant, buffoon, young lover, meddling father, and pompous peasant are all maintained in their traditional costumes (as is done Read More