Visit by Dr. Göran Blix: “At War with the Elements: Radiation and Imagination in Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices from Chernobyl”
Professor Göran Blix, Associate Professor of French at Princeton University, visited UD in the beginning of December to give a lecture entitled “At War with the Elements: Radiation and Imagination in Svetlana Alexievich’s Voices from Chernobyl.” A specialist of nineteenth-century French literature, Professor Blix is affiliated with Princeton’s Environmental Institute and regularly offers literature courses on environmental disaster. Sponsored by the Honors Program, the Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN), the Center for Area and Global Studies, and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, his talk was organized by Dr. Karen Quandt (French) in the context of her fall freshman honors colloquium “Reading Green,” which addressed environmental themes in literature of all periods and areas. In addition to giving a public lecture that addressed the literary aspects of Nobel Laureate Alexievich’s testimonies of the victims and survivors of the Chernobyl disaster, Professor Blix visited Dr. Quandt’s colloquium to discuss the author’s powerful work. 2016 marked the 30th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine.
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