The Idiot part 4

Call Number: RUSFFDVDI1.4
Alternate Title:Идіотъ
Year: 2003
Director: Vladimir Bortko
Duration: 100 mins
Language(s): Russian
Subtitle Language(s): English
Part 9
Aglae suffered a terrible insult: Prince Myshkin, filled with compassion for Natasya Filipovna, subsequently preferred Epanchina.
Part 10
Natasya Filippovna and the prince are preparing for the wedding. Arround the church, Tola laughs and meets Myshkin. Around the house of Natasya Filippovna – the same situation. Natasya notices Parfen in the tale and runs away with him. Myshkin understands the reasons for her actions, he goes to Petersburg. Rogozhin finds him there and brings him home. Myshkin starts to guess that Natasya Filippovna is a ‘miter’. Parfen confesses the murder to the Prince. Prince Myshkin goes mad and again finds himself in Switzerland in a hospital.